Alchemia Nova Greece proud exhibitor at FG-Expo, Greece

Alchemia Nova Greece was a proud exhibitor at the first Forward Green Expo (FG-Expo) held in Thessaloniki 8th to 10th June 2023. The aim of the FG-Expo initiative was to pave the way for cultivating a new entrepreneurial mentality in Greece, based on circular economy, green development, and business model transformation. Our team, including Polymnia Dagtzidou, Johannes Kisser and Maria Troullou, created an inspiring lighthub demostrating the company’s innovative approach to sustainability.

By putting on stage the pioneering role of promoting circular economy practices in Greece, across Europe and the Mediterranean, a series of innovative circular solutions with the power to drive positive change were presented, inspiring visitors to discover what circular economy is all about and how to achieve it.

Different audiences were engaged and fruitful discussions emerged at the specially designed Horizon Europe info-stands dedicated to the holistic systemic approaches to municipal wastewater treatment and reuse within project HYDROUSA and zero-waste cosmetics at project REMEDIES. At the same time, nature based solutions such as Greta the water treatment green wall, LooPi the nature based all gender urinal and Aeroplant the air purifying system, captivated visitors eye and raised interest from important stakeholders. Last but not least, B2B meetings were realized and new possibilities emerged for collaboration and R&D with professionals and experts from different industries and sectors.

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