HYDROUSA is an EU Innovation project submitted and approved under call topic CIRC-02-2016-2017 (Water in the context of the circular economy) (Grant Agreement No. 776643)
The aim of the project is to counteract the annual summer-time water-shortages experienced in touristically active regions by the implementation of innovative nature-based systems, at the same time creating jobs and added economic value by merging the individual elements of the water-energy-nutrition-employment-nexus.
The following water streams will be addressed: sewage, rainwater, groundwater, humidity and seawater. After the appropriate treatment, these water sources could be used for household and agricultural activities. The various water treatments methods are based on “biomimicry”, nature-inspired and other low-tech solutions combined with state-of-the-art sensor technology and IT to create a safe, reliable and hygienic freshwater supply.
The production of fresh water for agriculture will create regional jobs and a host of economic benefits. A total of 13 innovative solutions will be installed and tracked over a period of several years across 4 demonstration sites in Lesvos, Mykonos, Tinos and Greece.
The involvement of affected population and stakeholder groups is a major focal point of HYDROUSA, which will ensure the successful implementation and continued innovation even after the project end. A further 25 replication actions (including their funding) will be developed worldwide as part of the project.
HYDROUSA seeks to close all water cycles at a local level with existing resources, promoting the concept of the decentralized saving, treatment and reuse of water, materials and energy. The project has every potential of triggering radical changes in agriculture and water management in general.
As project initiator and originator, alchemia-nova is the official Technical Innovation Manager, one of the work package leaders, and is deeply involved in all sub-sections of the project. In pursuance of their responsibilities under this project, alchemia-nova will establish a subsidiary in Greece.

Project coordinator
National Technical University of Athens
Project partner
alchemia-nova GmbH
Brunel University London
Municipality of Mykonos
Universitá Politecnica delle Marche
Unite Technique du SEMIDE GEIE
Heliopolis Uinversity for Sustainable Development
ISIS Organic Food
Iridra Srl
Planet di Villa Alessandro & C. SAS
European Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform
Catalan Institute for Water Research
Azienda Servizi Ambientali
Agricultural and Environmental Solutions
Radtke Biotechnik
Tinos Ecolodge
Impact Hub Athens
Catalan Water Partnership
Delaros OE
Bioversum – Nature Inspired Solutions
Plenum GmbH
Minavra Construction SA
Lesvos Municipality
Municipality of Tinos
AERIS Tecnologias Ambientales S.L.
Satistica Ltd
Memira Genesis Ltd
Project status
Start 7/2018, duration 54 months
Call: H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 (Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy)
Topic: CIRC-02-2016-2017
Innovation Action
Grant Agreement Number: 776643
Overall project costs: € 12 015 448,75
EU participation: € 9 958 706,88
Project website: www.hydrousa.org
Facebook: facebook.com/Hydrousa/